April Part 1

April Part 1

Some beautiful opportunities for personal growth are flowing this month and The Guides discuss your amazing energy system and manifestation potentials ~

Personal Sessions / Soul Coaching Packages

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"We do not want to underestimate this powerful time for mankind and planet to aid in the building of the new energy that is growing within all of you through your heart and minds. You long for a peaceful, compassionate and functional world.

So, we are here to remind you of the co-creative power that each and everyone of you has to affect the fabric of development. We remind you of the manifestation process and that all thoughts occur in the 4th dimensional realm and are tying in more with the 5th dimension of spiritual ideals and compassion.

This powerful combination then creates and manifests in your 3rd dimensional world. You are powerful beings that can affect the development of structure on your planet. This is new era of creative and intentional participation. When you feel flooded with feelings of love and well-being you know you are tapping into Source Energy." The Guides - April Part 1 video excerpt.

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