August 21 - Sept. 2nd: Jupiter sextile a stationing direct Saturn
Jupiter now moves from his square to Pluto seeking change and power shifts into a supportive sextile with Saturn. A very positive combination as Jupiter rules the sign Sagittarius current home to Saturn strengthening the insights and belief systems. In Sagittarius we have seen the intense scrutiny of the media, attacks on the media, and attempts to legislate the media. Saturn rules governance, corporations and government. In the United States corporations own the major news outlets.
Saturn asks you to employ critical thinking and discernment, when in sextile to Jupiter more balance is brought to bear with your beliefs and relating dynamics. Optimism is merging with pragmatism making for an influential time in business, contracts, hiring experts, marriage planning, promotions, legalities, media campaigns and educational plans. There is support to act upon that which is already part of your consciousness. When Mercury stations direct (September 5th) you have the thrust to launch "new plans."
Saturn stations direct on August 25th at 21 degrees of Sagittarius where it has been retrograde since April 6th. Saturn's direct stations further fuels the New Moon Solar Eclipse through the remainder of 2017 as your work, responsibilities, career plans, educational goals, travel and promotional desires have the energy thrust to move forward.