August 21st:  New Moon Solar Eclipse and  the US Chart

August 21st: New Moon Solar Eclipse and the US Chart

The New Moon Solar Eclipse on Monday, 21st brings propulsion through the remainder of the year until the answering Full Moon Lunar Eclipse occurs in January at 11 degrees Leo.

The Eclipse occurs in the US 9th house ruling foreigners, immigration, legal activities, lawyers, justice and the court system.  The 9th house also symbolizes journalists and those who control the media.  This lunation also makes a tight sustainable trine to Uranus (the energy of genius, awakening, and disruption) in the 4th house of the country's population, the interests of the people, land, weather conditions, and opposition of those not in power.  In the Progressed Chart the Eclipse lights up the 12th house of secrets, conditions that work against the public welfare, prisons, retirement homes, secret government, terrorist activities and the forcible control of people and trines transiting Uranus in the 8th house of taxes, pensions, Social Security, foreign stocks and bonds, and insurance.

The New Moon Solar Eclipse conjuncts Trumps Ascendant and Mars - a potent new cycle of action, confidence, anger, defense and aggressive energy.  The Eclipse conjuncts his Sun in his Progressed 10th house of profession, career standing, identity and leadership.  What is more interesting is the conjunction the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in January 2018 will make to both Mercury and Pluto (children, money, change, communication) in his Progressed 10th house of communication and career culminations.  Pluto rules his 2nd house of money and Mercury his 9th house of legal situations, foreign countries and immigration. 1st quarter 2018 will be a defining period for President Trump and his leadership status.

The Eclipse opposes the US Moon in the 3rd house of Aquarius the energy ruling freedom and equality.  The Moon rules the 8th house of taxes, financial relations with other nations and of enemies in time of war.  I think to the Tax Reform (Cuts) agenda that is next up on the Republican docket.  This in essence is another legislation to provide tax cuts for the wealthy and corporate sector.  If these reforms (cuts) are not passed the Koch Network explicitly communicated that the piggy bank would be turned off.  The 8th house also represents insurance companies, pensions and Social Security.

As we face the most rigorous political machine of our time seemingly intent upon cutting any programs that afford quality to the average human life this is a strong time for diligence, vocalizing opposition (unless of course you are a millionaire, billionaire and corporate stakeholder)  and organized solidarity.

Healthcare will continue to be a dominate theme into the months ahead (blog post)~

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