June 13 - July 9th:  Venus transits Leo

June 13 - July 9th: Venus transits Leo

Photo by Stacey Hinkle ~

 Energy Extras!

Personal Sessions

Venus exits the emotional and proactive sign of Cancer where she was tending to her emotions, family, personal life, security needs and domicile, she now transits the fixed fire sign of Leo energy seeking to bring harmony and intelligence to the heart, love life, creative and playful.  Entertainment venues, children, self-expression and sexual desire seek connection through risk taking and listening to the heart.

While Venus enters Leo she will square Uranus in Taurus and trine Chiron in Aries (June 14th - 16th).  The square to Uranus challenges you to take action and adjust your play with your values, resources and self-esteem.  The trine to Chiron brings wisdom and compassion into the equation of owning your need for independence, self-identification and being true to your heart.

Uranus, Chiron and Mars will be bring a theme into the weeks ahead as the Sun and then Mercury also transit into Leo.  Venus leads the emotions, the Sun your awareness and Mercury your mind.


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I must tell you how much I love your work , Thanks Jean

Adriana Harari

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