photo by stacey hinkle
(originally posted August 2020)
Sessions with Me
The Saturn conjunct Pluto cycle is the BEGINNING of a new cycle. Contained within this is the period of Reckoning through awareness of the fear within you and the fear within the systems in the world around you. It is important to see this as a necessary and productive time even while there is much chaos and disillusionment.
This is the "breaking down" effect and more importantly remembering to put your creative ability to work as you are the battery and the energy for form creation and new growth in this dimension. The United States in it's own cycle called the Pluto return is now needing to face it's own shadow - the fragmented and incoherent energy within it's own systems. You are being forced in some manner to face these dark and fear based energies that are now showing themselves in plain view.
The Sun is indeed shining through the breaking up of these dense patterns and this will continue for some time into the future. Find your own ground and normalcy through this transitioning process.