Current Geopolitical Energy ~ Why we are where we are now ~

Current Geopolitical Energy ~ Why we are where we are now ~

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DEAR JEANE first thank you for your work in behalf of all the persons thatnot afford personal readings you knowledge regarding children and your respect for the establishment is great excuse my french you look a bit sad i do not know about you family (something happen 2 or 3 years ago you cut your lovely hair and also your humor please take time for recharge you soul and you body thank you LIGHT AND LOVE NAMASTE MAHALO MABUJAY jesus ps time is flying

jesus preciado

Great integrational thinking and summarizing of how far we have “decayed” in terms of dark energies destroying public participation and humanity as a whole. Not only in USA but also for leaders of entire Earth-these messages ring true.We are told it is women’s time on Earth to shift from patriarchal to matriarchal societies, and in doing so bring back democratic principles, nurturing for the next generation of children, freedom to think and be thriving, rather than slaving for corporate greed and profit. Each day a silent army on the Earth “holds the light”. We have surpassed the “wisdom barrier” of using only a small portion of our brains, and are heading toward gleaning much more from the DNA innately contained within ourselves. However, it requires commitment and focus —and thus is why the powers that be want humanity to be “dumbed down” and almost unable to integrate thought-despite exposure to high tech instruments and worlds of information that can help people to connect the dots to what is really going on. In gratitude for you coming forth at this time in the world to share with all. A serious message for the purpose of enlightening all. NAMASTE Jean.

Ms. Mel Bromberg

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