SUNDAY, July 9th: The Full Moon is exact at 12:07 a.m. EDT at 17 degrees Capricorn carries strong themes relating to a need for surrender, structures falling away, rebuilding, soul renewal, and rebirth. The Sun in Cancer opposes Pluto in Capricorn as the Moon conjuncts it. Full Moons indicate "awareness" as they are an opposition aspect. External situations develop that affect you personally and emotionally. These developments are connected with home, real estate, Mom, parents, family, housing, and security (Cancer themes) and business, life direction, responsibility, ambitions, authority figures, and reputation (Capricorn themes).
Last weekend you experienced an instinctive reaction and tension with the Mars opposition Pluto. Mars often operates below the level of conscious awareness and manifests as instinct, gut feelings and biological drives. This weekend you gain conscious clarity (Sun) on these very areas of your life that are under a cycle of transformation. The personality aspect of self recognizes that part of the life path is through realignment to Soul themes. allowing you to more easily release non-regenerative habit patterns that no longer serve your growth. Entrenched personal patterns are the areas of focus - some may struggle to uphold and contain while others may more easily release and surrender.
The Moon's conjunction to Pluto illuminates the inherent opportunity to regenerate the past while destroying what is no longer needed and making better use of what remains. Fear is not an unusual emotion whenever a break with the past is in operation. Compassionate detachment may be a helpful approach through the weekend as the Full Moon also makes a supportive sextile to Neptune in Pisces.
Situations that you have been contending with for some time may now come to a close freeing up energy that has kept you tethered to a personal situation for some time. ~ Free to Transform
Last weekend you experienced an instinctive reaction and tension with the Mars opposition Pluto. Mars often operates below the level of conscious awareness and manifests as instinct, gut feelings and biological drives. This weekend you gain conscious clarity (Sun) on these very areas of your life that are under a cycle of transformation. The personality aspect of self recognizes that part of the life path is through realignment to Soul themes. allowing you to more easily release non-regenerative habit patterns that no longer serve your growth. Entrenched personal patterns are the areas of focus - some may struggle to uphold and contain while others may more easily release and surrender.
The Moon's conjunction to Pluto illuminates the inherent opportunity to regenerate the past while destroying what is no longer needed and making better use of what remains. Fear is not an unusual emotion whenever a break with the past is in operation. Compassionate detachment may be a helpful approach through the weekend as the Full Moon also makes a supportive sextile to Neptune in Pisces.
Situations that you have been contending with for some time may now come to a close freeing up energy that has kept you tethered to a personal situation for some time. ~ Free to Transform