January 1st:  FULL Moon in Cancer

January 1st: FULL Moon in Cancer

Full Moon in Cancer exact at 9:24 p.m. EST January 1st at 11 degrees Cancer ~

I would like to take a moment to thank many of the amazing people I have met this past year who are connecting with their purpose and birthing that into form through their vocation, avocation, relationships and inner integration - I have learned much from so many of you and it has been a privilege to connect and collaborate.

Collectively we head into a Number 2 year highlighting relationships - relationship with self, dimensional relationship with higher self, angels, teachers and guides, and your outer relationships.  We understand that the inner reflects the outer - think of it as energetic principals that are rather impersonal in their consistency and continuity.  We understand that we are a collection of memories and experiences that form our view of the world, our identity and the situations and people we attract in the form of vibration.

If there were one malady I could cure one this planet it would be the disease of low-self esteem and feeling marginalized.  Some of your memories and experiences work for you and yet others hold you back.  As you move through the year ahead I invite you to revisit some of those limiting self beliefs, many of which are way beyond their sell date, and to remember that your creative potential is enormous ~

With Saturn now transiting it's home sign of Capricorn (read more here) over the next 3 years the stakes are higher as this represents powerful manifestation energy - what do you want to create and bring into form? 
Commitment, testing and initiations are part of the path.  So often the biggest obstructions you face originate on the inner planes in the form of negativity, "not enough" and fear.  Planet Earth is a rich place to grow, overcome fear and negativity, and evolve. 

Uranus will be transiting out of Aries
which has brought individual awakening within the collective and moves into Taurus this Spring.  Now, this revolutionary energy seeks to revitalize and break free from outworn value systems and self belief.

Chiron picks up
where Uranus left off and ingresses Aries (also this Spring) highlighting themes identity renewal.  Self-mastery is Chiron's domain and a potent one at that. Purchase an indepth look sign by sign of Chiron transit Aries (46 minute video) ~

The planet is undergoing a period of erosion and reconstruction. 
Pluto has been bringing down systems, governments and organizational structures since his transit into Capricorn in 2008.  When Saturn reaches Pluto in January 2020 your world will look very different.  Saturn seeks to bring foundation and structure to the eroding quality that Pluto has been enacting.  What do you personally want to bring into form?  What do you want to contribute to the collective energy?


The Full Moon in Cancer brings culminations with home, family, Mom, parents, the public, business and personal emotions as she reaches fullness on Monday, January 1st at 9:24 p.m. EST. 
Luna is in a water trine (flowing emotions and instincts) with the Mars Jupiter conjunction in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces.  Optimism, expansion, opportunities and emotional insights are strong.  Working with your feeling nature and creative visualization ability is amplified. The Full Moon is in opposition to a Venus Pluto conjunction highlighting finances, relationships, women, change and empowerment.

On Tuesday, January 2nd Uranus, the revolutionary awakener stations direct
(although you are already feeling this) at 24 degrees of Aries electrifying both your central nervous system and your ego identity. Uranus retrograded on August 3rd.

The next two months will bring rapid change and quick developments.  In January and February all of the planets are moving direct speeding up developments, endings, new beginnings, adjustments, opportunities and changes. 
Pair that with the Eclipses - the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Leo at the end of January and the New Moon Solar Eclipse in mid-February and you have a potent mix full of opportunity, culminations, and closing chapters that will move you along in your growth and development.  The Eclipse Cycle focuses on your children, playfulness, entertainment, leadership, management, creativity, love, friends and technology.

Coaching Sessions with Jean    2018 Year Ahead     January Videoscope

  Happy New Year and Much Love to You ~ Jean


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Holy Shiitake Mushroom, what a year! Thank you for all your amazing insight. Here we come 2018!


Wonderful~ elegant guidance Jean❣️ I am grateful for your positive influence. Much love and blessings to you☮️?️?


Thank you for your hard work on this Post, Jean Wiley. I have the utmost respect for you. And Happy New Year’s Eve and hope you have a Successful and Eventful 2018!

Lee Kennedy

Thank you so much Jean, you are such a beautiful spirit, inside and out… totally resonates with me…sooo ready!?❤✌

Nancy Welch

Thank you for posting this Jean. There was some trepidation on my part as we head into 2018, but somehow I’m feeling a little more optimistic, especially after reading this. Still going to be a hum-dinger, but change usually is…❤


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