July 5-7th: Final Mercury square Neptune from 23 degrees Gemini to Pisces exact on the 6th highlighting the emotional nature of this past month in a more conscious and accessible manner. June was challenging, sensitive, and vulnerable for many as you were purging pockets of feelings that have pooled in your emotional body.
This occurs simultaneously as Venus, just as Mars before her, moves into the energy of the Saturn Uranus T-square to personalize and get clear on the energies of this year. Where are the blocks and limiting conditions, Venus opposition Saturn from 12 degrees Leo to Aquarius exact on the 6th and the areas of breakthrough Venus square Uranus exact on the 8th from 14 degrees Leo to Taurus.
You should feel a sense of deliverance and what to nurture in your life moving forward at the New Moon in Cancer on the 9th. https://jeanwiley.com/pages/services