March Part 1 (New Moon) ~

March Part 1 (New Moon) ~


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Hi I’m Jean a Soul Coach, Intuitive using the sacred geometry of Astrology to discuss human evolution.  March is one of the smoother energetics I have seen in some time and this video is discussing the 1st half of March and the New Moon in Pisces.

Mars the energy of drive, desire and ambition exits the grounded and fixed sign of Taurus where he has been transiting since mid- January really focusing on global finances, extreme weather patterns, the stock market and preferring the status quo rather than new growth is shifting his spots as he transits into the mutable Air sign of Gemini from March 3rd through April 23rd.

Now the desire for mobility, communication and information is strong.  Mars joins the North Node in Gemini the transit of soul growth and actively seeking factual information and encouraging a curiosity to ask questions, understand where others are coming from and strengthening your own communication skills.   Incidentally this transit is also an ongoing focus on your local community relationships, activity and local region over global travel and international affairs – tend to your own back yard.

Gemini rules secondary education and local school systems so I imagine over the next 6 weeks we will see developments with in person school attendance on the increase.  The Gemini glyph represents two children and represents a duality in the mind, seeing both sides of a question and a natural curiosity.  Gemini is a masculine and mutable air sign that is flexible and adaptable.  “Adaptable intellect.”  Gemini rules automobiles, books, computers, messages and post offices.

It’s a time for increased social interaction, intellectual satisfaction and new situations, activity and people.  Here lives emotional detachment which can be very helpful when seeking solutions to a problem.  Variety “IS” the spice of life now.

Mercury direct conjunct Jupiter at 17 degrees on Thursday the 4th – expect plans, discussions, commercial agreements, and educational news to now be delivered in an uplifting manner – a generous and buoyant day.

 The 4th through the 10th can feel a bit like a Mercury retrograde hangover as first the Sun and then Venus are squaring the North Node in Gemini from Pisces the sign of the intuitive, feeling nature of life.  Emotions and thoughts are seeking equilibrium so go slow with your insights, emotions, finances and relationships.  This square is from 15 degrees of Pisces to Gemini.

New Moons occur every month and each area of your life receives this initiating new emotional theme as they occur in each sign throughout the year.  On the 13th the New Moon occurs in Pisces at 13 degrees and conjuncts both Venus and Neptune and sextiles Pluto in Capricorn.

Now is a time to set intentions with Soul and Personality integration – living life in a congruent manner regarding your feelings and behavior.  Pisces is also a mutable feminine (receptive) water sign and is strongly enhancing this New Moon energy that will bring emotional developments in September at the Full Moon in Pisces. 

Pisces is the sign that rules drugs, hospitals, institutions and esoteric teachings and energy.  Seclusion, sacrifice, addiction and escapism also live here.  New developments will occur with Covid and government policies.  The next Covid aid package in the US will commence at this New Moon.

With both the energy of interpersonal relating, Venus, and universal compassion and love, Neptune strongly involved in this New Moon you can sense the import of the manifesting energy.  The sextile to Pluto serves as a grounded road sign supporting your imagination, compassion, art, creativity and soul growth in a functional and powerful manner.  Use your creativity to inform your career and life direction activity.

The New Moon is exact at 23 degrees of Pisces at 5:21 a.m.  Eastern Time and is a lovely beginning with your mystic, heart and soul based impulses and desires.

Be well ~


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