May 6th Chiron sextile North Node

May 6th Chiron sextile North Node

Photo by Cheryl Merz

In orb from April 23rd to May 23rd 11 degrees Gemini to Aries.  Opportunities come but once in a lifetime, or so the saying goes. Now is the time for you to be open to opportunities to discover and express your special gifts. If you believe that everyone has a purpose in this world then now is your chance to discover yours and make the most of the doors that open. It is also possible that you are given the chance to mend broken bridges during this time, which will in turn pave the way for a brighter future.

Chiron teaches you to heal self and grow into your individual potential and authenticity.  The North Node in Gemini beckons you to improve your communication patterns and center in truth.  Study, classes, travel, discussions and human connections are pathways to healing and empowerment.


I discuss the dynamic energy patterns in May full of growth potential, release, and destiny aspects as the personal planets transit the North Node.  The Full Moon Lunar Eclipses delivers developments and emotional culminations tied to the New Moon Solar Eclipse last December.  WATCH your indepth monthly videoscopes every month on Patreon ($1) ~

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