Merging Timelines, handling change and the shedding process

Merging Timelines, handling change and the shedding process

In the Livestream the Guides discussed the process of acceptance, emphasizing its importance regardless of where you are or what you're feeling during this period of disassembly and deconstruction.

They offered suggestions on how to personally handle this process—emotionally, physically, and spiritually. 

Additionally, we explored the concept of merging timelines and how it works, as well as some longer-term themes. 

Watch when you join ($5) 

Feedback from patrons: "So many moving parts in our world. Thank you for this enlightening channeled info. I related to the ‘not enough’ segment, and also the part of the reminder of self statements that limit. Thank you so much. 🌷"

 "So much loving info, helpful as we move through so many changes. Love the breath work. Thank you Jean"

 "Thank you again, Jean, for a wonderful livestream."

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