Jean Wiley Blog

December 5th:  Chiron stations Direct

December 5th: Chiron stations Direct

Chirons transit through Pisces has focused on your spiritual growth, awareness and sensiate force.  Imagination, day dreaming, contemplative practice, meditation, and integration are the energies of Chiron through Pisces.


December 5th: Chiron stations Direct

Chirons transit through Pisces has focused on your spiritual growth, awareness and sensiate force.  Imagination, day dreaming, contemplative practice, meditation, and integration are the energies of Chiron through Pisces.

December Monthlies

December Monthlies

Full Moon in Gemini / New Moon in Sagittarius / Mercury retrograde / Saturn transits Capricorn - what do these energy cycles mean for you?

December Monthlies

Full Moon in Gemini / New Moon in Sagittarius / Mercury retrograde / Saturn transits Capricorn - what do these energy cycles mean for you?