The Nine Dimensions
Energy Dimensions speaks to levels of density or vibration that are available for us to connect to and work with. When you become aware/conscious of energy you are then in a beautiful position to work with it on an increasingly conscious level.
Sessions/ Soul & Life Coaching
Monthly Videoscopes/Channeled Livestream Q&A
I’m actually pleased with my growth , and new found perspectives!
I can see that most of my life has changed, as I had been living through the lower vibrational energies.
It’s a breath of fresh air, now that I am more aligned in the fourth and fifth dimensions.
I’m thankful for all that you’ve taught me! My life’s so much easier for me, as I understand what’s happening, and use it to my advantage!
Bless you Jean! Happy Holidays 🥰♍️
Jean, you have been a beam of light through all of this. I appreciate your message more and more. I have been investigating the akaskic records myself lately and find that I have been way too linear in my perception of this life. Thank you!