Jean Wiley Blog

MAY 2019 Videoscopes ~

MAY 2019 Videoscopes ~

New Moon Taurus / Full Moon Scorpio / Saturn opposition North Node

MAY 2019 Videoscopes ~

New Moon Taurus / Full Moon Scorpio / Saturn opposition North Node

May 4th:  NEW Moon in Taurus

May 4th: NEW Moon in Taurus

A harmonious New Moon at 14 degrees Taurus on Saturday, May 4th exact at 6:45 p.m. EDT.  Sextile North Node / Sextile Neptune / trine Saturn and Pluto

May 4th: NEW Moon in Taurus

A harmonious New Moon at 14 degrees Taurus on Saturday, May 4th exact at 6:45 p.m. EDT.  Sextile North Node / Sextile Neptune / trine Saturn and Pluto

APRIL 2019 Videoscopes

APRIL 2019 Videoscopes

New Moon Aries / Full Moon Libra / Mercury Direct / Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto Retrograde

APRIL 2019 Videoscopes

New Moon Aries / Full Moon Libra / Mercury Direct / Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto Retrograde

April 20th:  Full Moon in Libra

April 20th: Full Moon in Libra

The second Full Moon in Libra occurs on Friday, April 20th exact at 7:12 a.m. EDT.  This final Full Moon in Libra occurs at 29 degrees a sensitive point, called...

April 20th: Full Moon in Libra

The second Full Moon in Libra occurs on Friday, April 20th exact at 7:12 a.m. EDT.  This final Full Moon in Libra occurs at 29 degrees a sensitive point, called...

April 10 - August 11th:  Jupiter Retrograde

April 10 - August 11th: Jupiter Retrograde

Jupiter is a symbol of health, sanity, inner integration and successful living.  In Sagittarius, the invitation to gain knowledge, strengthen learning skills, and gain experience through travel is strong through...

April 10 - August 11th: Jupiter Retrograde

Jupiter is a symbol of health, sanity, inner integration and successful living.  In Sagittarius, the invitation to gain knowledge, strengthen learning skills, and gain experience through travel is strong through...

April 4th (exact):  Pluto opposition North Node (conjunct South Node)

April 4th (exact): Pluto opposition North Node...

The core intention within the Cancer archetype is to develop an internalized state of emotional security instead of depending on external sources to meet this need.


April 4th (exact): Pluto opposition North Node...

The core intention within the Cancer archetype is to develop an internalized state of emotional security instead of depending on external sources to meet this need.